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Number | Action | Activity | Latest Update |
1 | Investigate differential charges to parking permits and in car parks (e.g. higher emission vehicles pay more.) | Investigate the method and
systems needed to introduce (with a view to trialling) the system in selected car parks and/or streets. System is in effect in Bristol.
| Report pending - end of 2021 |
2 | Ensure new housing developments are much more walking and cycling friendly.
| Major development sites to consider the inclusion of offroad cycle routes to link between other cycle routes where connections exist | Collate outcomes by monitoring permissions yearly |
3 | Better bus provision and strategic park and ride facilities to reduce traffic in towns | Team Devon will develop
community, town and city
transport initiatives and
infrastructure for cycling,
buses, rail and other forms of sustainable transport. SHDC will engage with Team Devon and support.
| Ongoing |
4 | Increase uptake of cycling in South Hams and support and encourage green travel methods for tourists to our coastal natural environment. A different type of tourism.
| Investigate electric bike hire
in towns & and key tourist
areas in summer to start to
change culture. Increase cycle parking at key locations in towns and villages. | Ongoing |
5 | Promote the use of recycled and Sustainable construction materials through input at planning stage for new developments
| Continue to apply recently
adopted Joint Local Plan
Policies and Supplementary
Planning Guidance. Review Joint Local Plan to
investigate options for
policies amendments to
further incentivise or force the use of recycled and
sustainable construction
materials. | Ongoing |
6 | Monitor and review
policies to reduce the
carbon footprint of new
developments (Policies
DEV32, DEV33, DEV34)
| Continue to apply recently
adopted Joint Local Plan
Policies and Supplementary
Planning Guidance. Review policies DEV32, DEV33 and DEV34 at Plan Review Stage. Reconsider a Low Impact Development Policy (‘One Planet Living Principles’).
| Subject to Joint Local Plan Review Timetables |
7 | Investigate adaption and resilience methods for new developments. | Joint Local Plan Review - this will either form a new policy or a new revision to policy DEV32. | Subject to Joint Local Plan Review |
8 | As part of JLP review
consider an Article 4
Direction that removes
permitted development
rights on class Q barn
conversions. | Review the Annual
Monitoring Report (AMR)
evidence whether or not
there is too much housing delivery in tier 4 settlements. | Monitor yearly AMR and report update in 2022. |
9 | Review the potential for
District Energy Networks
in the District and invest
in housing energy-saving
measures. | Review internal processes to create a flow of investment from developer contributions and government grants related to carbon reduction. | Underway but partially subject to Joint Local Plan Review |
10 | Allocate sites for renewable energy, in particular strategic scale solar and wind for both commercial and community energy development. | Conduct a call for sites during the Joint Local Plan review process. Commission an appraisal of the district's capacity for more large scale renewable energy. Work with Plymouth City Council on a brief to set
the scope of the work and
commission the work.
| Provide update at the end of 2021 |
11 | Local Plans and
Neighbourhood Plans to
ensure the provision of
EV charging points where
parking spaces are provided in new developments.
| Continue to condition EV charging on major developments | Ongoing |
12 | Maximise local and
closed-loop recycling to
minimise transport impacts and valorise waste materials. | South Hams moving to the Devon aligned service 2021 | Due to be in place by March 2021 |
13 | Lobby for changes to the National Planning Policy Framework or any such replacement to prioritise carbon reduction target over housing targets. | Respond and input into the proposed changes to the Planning System. Continue to engage in national changes to the Planning System. | Ongoing |
14 | Make use of funding opportunities to provide employment and community assets across the District, to minimise the need to travel for access to services. | Access UK Shared Prosperity Fund if and when it's established and re-enforce COVID recovery grants and initiatives. | Review once the UK shared prosperity fund is established. |
15 | Explore installing electric car charging points in car parks | SHDC has joined the Devon Low Carbon Energy and Transport Technology Innovator (DELETTI) to install EVP in various car parks | Review after phase 1 and 2 or by 2022, whatever is sooner. |
16 | Local plans to ensure new developments are designed with filtered permeability to promote sustainable travel | Joint Local Plan Review | Subject to Joint Local Plan timescales |
17 | Rationalise bottle banks in the South Hams | To be confirmed | To be confirmed |
18 | Investigate the creation of a new EP policy to ensure the correct use of litter bins, potentially reducing collection need. | To be confirmed | To be confirmed |
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