Devon Climate Emergency Project
South Hams District Council is one of the partner organisations of the Devon Climate Emergency Response Group. The group are working together to create a Devon Carbon Plan, and an Adaptation Plan for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
The Devon Climate Emergency project is raising awareness and encouraging everyone to act. The project aims to:
Reduce carbon emissions
Improve our environment
Get communities ready to respond to a warmer world
The project extends across all carbon emitting activity in Devon (including production and consumption emissions) and the climate and inter-related risks to Devon's environment and communities. This includes all those people who live, work in and visit our county, as well as those businesses who are based or operate in Devon and the condition of its natural environment.
The project's ultimate vision is for a net-zero carbon Devon, with its environment and communities strengthened and resilient to the effects of inevitable climate change. Net zero means that the balance of carbon stores and emissions in any one year will be zero.
For more information about the project, including how you can get involved, visit the Devon Climate Emergency website.