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Number | Action | Activity | Latest Updates |
1.1 | Explore opportunities for the Local Authority to support the Government energy efficiency scheme to create local jobs. | a. Team Devon will roll out an ambitious Domestic Energy Efficiency and Energy Generation pilot.
b. Monitor the scheme and identify opportunities to benefit South Hams residents and businesses | Ongoing |
1.2 | Promote and administer grants for home
insulation, efficient heating systems and sustainable energy sources for owneroccupied and tenanted properties
| a. Raise awareness for grant schemes and the Solar Together scheme as part of a Climate
Change communication strategy involving newsletters, web and social media.
b. Continue to administer funding as and when it arises.
| Ongoing |
1.3 | Aim for a Higher result in the energy performance certificates. | a. Continue to apply the new guidance on Policy Dev 32 contained within the 2020 Joint Local Plan Supplementary Planning Document.
b. Review Policy Dev 32 at Plan Review Stage
c. Set up a monitoring scheme for new development measuring yearly EPC data provided by BIES. | Ongoing |
1.4 | Identify options for how smart renewable heat, power generation and storage could be considered when the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan are reviewed. | a. Appraise the potential for low carbon heat networks, heat pumps, and hybrid boilers, including identifying current potential funding models and barriers to uptake. South Hams to monitor funding opportunities to commission appraisal. | Ongoing |
1.5 | Allocate sites for renewable energy, in particular strategic scale solar and wind for both commercial and community energy development. | a. Allocate land for renewable energy production within the Joint Local Plan Area. This work will require a call for sites which could take place alongside the plan review due to begin in 2021. | Ongoing |
1.6 | Explore forming a nonprofit green energy company and understand the capacity of renewable energy generation in the area. | a. The Council to discuss with Western Power Distribution to determine the actions required to increase local network resilience and increase renewable energy capacity in the South Hams as a basis of forming a green energy company or advising on network resiliency.
| Ongoing |
1.7 | Investigate procuring truly renewable energy. | a. Council to discuss with community energy providers and aid and support them in developing their renewable sites. | Ongoing |
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